Traditional Shirts

Traditional shirts are made of calico fabric (one design) but may be made of a solid color (one color) upon request. The ribbon colors are chosen to complement the fabric unless special colors are requested.

The new POW MIA shirt is white on top with black bottom. Bottom could be solid or a black calico that is black and white but appears to be solid black at a distance. On the back top there is a large POW MIA flag.

New Design!
IROQUOIS Nation Design

Design variation

Purple with white ribbons.$60.00
Purple with design in the front and back
White top with one or two designs$60.00-$65.00
Purple on Purple calico with one or two designs$60.00-$65.00
One Iroquois design and one clan design$65.00

Minimum Ribbon$55.00
One row of ribbons around the middle of the shirt. In the front, there are ribbons at the neck opening. In the back, there are ribbons hanging from each side 6" to 10" long about 6-7" from the side seam.

Ample Ribbon$60.00
The ribbons may be the same as the minimum shirt plus ribbons on the collar, cuff and sleeve. The body and sleeve placement of the ribbons varies from shirt to shirt.

Shirt with Contrasting Fabric$60.00
A contrasting yoke and/or upper sleeve will have ample ribbon. Usually when two pieces of fabric are used, the cuff and collar are also of the two pieces of fabric. Any color available.

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Updated June 1, 2021